Monday, May 2, 2011

I thought I was done with Deena

A week passed since my visit to Deena's 24 hour diner, and I wasn't ever planning on going back. Looks like things have changed.

I was sitting in my apartment, looking through the job advertisements, when all of the power suddenly shut off. I moved to the window to get some more light and carried on with my business. An hour or two passed, and the fresh(ish) scent of pie began to waft through the window. I couldn't help myself.

I wandered down the street, following the smell, and it wasn't until I smacked head first into a human wall that I realized I was at Deena's once again. The line stretched across the street and down a few blocks, and I was met with shouts and groans, telling me to stop trying to cut the line and go somewhere else. These people get mean when they're hungry. I had nothing better to do, so I figured I'd join the line. 3 hours later, I was met at the door by Deena herself, letting us all know that the pie had run out. Shouts insued, but I didn't mind. I wasn't hungry, I was just itching to get off of my feet. A few of us shuffled inside just to sit. Once I settled in, I noticed a man next to me counting the number of lights that have gone out and calculated the amount of electricity that would run through the city every day. He seemed nice enough, but I didn't want to disturb him. He seemed like the type to lose his mind when even the slightest calculation was off.

I made my way over to the counter to talk to Deena. Yes, she scares me a bit, and yes, she may have been a man, but at least she's company. We got to talking, and it turns out we share a lot of the same interests. We both like helping people out, we've both had our struggles with religion, and we're both trying to find our place in this messed up town. I mentioned my job hunt to her, and she told me that I was welcome to come bus tables at the diner. It pays $4.50 an hour, but that's $4.50 I wouldn't have made on my own.

Looks like Old Agnes is finally fending for herself. PRAISE JESUS.

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